Museum Hours:
The Museum is open Tuesday-Saturday 11AM-4PM.
Nationally Recognized:
The Greeneville Greene County History Museum is one of only seven museums in America to complete the gold/top tier certification in all six areas of operation with the American Association of State and Local History.
Special thanks for those particpating in our Women's Suffrage exhibit.
We are grateful for assistance from the National Archives Foundation through the generous support of the Woman’s Suffrage Centennial Commission, Unilever, Pivotal Ventures, Carl M. Freeman Foundation in honor of Virginia Allen Freeman, AARP, and Denise Gwyn Ferguson, as well as the Tennessee State Library and Archives and the Tennessee State Museum with funding provided by The Official Committee of the State of Tennessee Woman Suffrage Centennial and a grant from Humanities Tennessee, an independent affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Visit Our 13 Galleries & Numerous Walk-through Exhibits
As you approach The Museum, you will walk by a beautifully restored 1917 American La France fire engine displayed adjacent to the front entrance. Look across Main Street and you will see the open spaces of Mary Gertrude Fox Park, new home for the Babb Homestead. The Seth Babb log home, which dates backs to 1787, is one of Greene County's earliest structures. It is open during regular Museum hours, (except during inclement weather.) Upon entering the main museum building, you will find three floors of history waiting to be explored!
Main (Second) Floor:
Your tour will start in The Greene County Quilt Gallery, which displays a beautiful collection of historic quilts, some dating back to before the Civil War. This floor is also home to, The President Andrew Johnson Gallery, which showcases the family life of America's 17th President. The Earl W. Fletcher, Jr. Veteran's Gallery, named in honor of The Museum's late executive director, was recently renovated with the help of Humanities Tennessee. The Civil War Gallery contains artifacts of the "great war" and tells stories of the divided loyalties that split families. Included is the story of the death Colonel John Hunt Morgan. The Elegant Homes Gallery contains beautiful furnishings which display a more comfortable way of life. The Museum's newest gallery on the main floor is Tennessee Country: Paleo to Pioneer. Enjoy this walk through time which features giant beasts that first inhabited this local land to an early Cherokee home, as well as pioneer textiles and implements. Also, please browse the walk-through displays in the main hallway.
Third Floor:
The third floor hallway contains the Paths to Freedom display, which chronicles the plights of slaves, and their road to emancipation and beyond. The African-American Experience Gallery features photos and stories on how African-American education and skills have enriched the entire community, from George Clem School to the story of the Manuel family brick masons. The Main Street Greeneville Gallery shows what downtown Greeneville looked like circa 1900. The Depression Gallery takes history to the kids. They are always impressed by Klondike Mike, a larger than life Grizzly Bear! The Magnavox Gallery displays some of the many innovative products that were produced right here in Greeneville. The Community Living in the 20th Century Gallery tells a story of just how far medical technology has advanced over the years.
First Floor:
The first floor hallway features an Early Agriculture and Transportation exhibit. Farm tools, one of the famous Lamons Wagons which were built in Greeneville, an assortment of vehicles from the police force as well as from private owners are displayed.
It's all waiting for you at The Museum!
Copyright 2025. Greeneville Greene County History Museum. All rights reserved.
Photo Credits: Museum Archives, Linnie Greene, Randi Nott, Amy Saxonmeyer, Dan Spice